Monthly Archives: April 2015

Non “Joy of Technology” News

I have a non-fiction article, Why we are here? published in Sci Phi Journal #5.

New Scientist, 20 April 2006 issue contained Amanda Gefter’s piece ‘Exploring Stephen Hawking’s Flexiverse’. Quoting from that “The real lesson of these so-called singularity theorems is that the origin of the universe is a quantum event,”. My article, ‘Why we are here’, started there.

Sci Phi Journal’s website.

My story Neutrino C.A.T. was a free E book on the TTA Press’ E book sites Amazon, Smashwords and those linked to the latter; iBooks, B&N, Kobo etc.

Last year it was withdrawn by TTA so now I’ve used my latest technology to regenerate the E book republished it on the Roy Gray pages of Amazon and Smashwords. I made my own E Pub but I can’t find a way to post it here as an E book yet. Here is a direct link to the Smashwords edition and here to the and .uk editions. It is free on Smashwords.

Here is the cover image.

neutcat cov 2015   Cover for Neutrino C.A.T.

The following are originals of the images that contain the elements used to make the cover.
